Held at Tollishill on 30 November and 1 December
by kind permission of Eskdate Shooting Services and Mr Wilson Young Snr and Mr Wilson Young Jnr
Judges: Declan Boyle, Gaynor Gent, Steve McDermott, Tony O’Hare
1st George Buchan’s Labrador FTCh Fendawood Pioneer of Springfell
2nd Nigel Barton’s Labrador Lindeth Storm
3rd Keith Broomfield’s Labrador FTCh Lowtrey Klay of Ticefield
4th Wendy Glue’s Labrador Troddenmills Get a Grip of Dacreford handled by Paul Dukes
Andy Latham’s Labrador Aneeterberg Seamus
Garry Ford’s Labrador Jocksburn Ludo of Laggengill
Greig Paterson’s Labrador Avonstream Aixhina